FFL Locator
by 20North

Processed over 15,000 FFL transfers and counting!

Plugin for Big Commerce

How it Works

Choose products that require FFL transfer

We pull in all product categories and you can select which products will require shipment to a verified FFL dealer.

Activate our checkout

We turn on an updated one-page checkout that includes a section for your customers to search for FFLs by Zip Code. After reviewing nearby FFLs, the customer selects an FFL and can then proceed to pay for their order.

Receive all FFL info, including their license

After your customer chooses an FFL dealer to ship their items and completes their order, our application will send you the FFL ID Number, address and a digital copy of the license of the customer-selected FFL dealer.


Rapid ID of Products requiring FFL Transfer

In seconds, categorize which products require transfer to FFL dealers for customer pickup. Once identified, the application is ready to deploy into online store.

Enhanced Checkout for Customer

Require customers to select an FFL dealer where their order will ship (if their order contains firearm products) when they check out.

Instant Verification for Firearm Merchant

Access FFL Identification Number with a copy of digital license in BigCommerce Admin portal after customers select an FFL dealer and complete order.


Simplify FFL transfers with simple FFL dealer search and selection tool. Quick explanation and forced FFL selection for shoppers.

Reduce cart abandonment rate and increase conversion rate by keeping customers in online store during checkout.

Reduced administrative costs with instant FFL verification. We send you the FFL license on file, so less calls/emails/faxes for your team.

Contact us at support@20northmarketing.com

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